Jolly Rancher Moonshine


  • 12-15 pieces Cherry Jolly Ranchers
  • 5 cups Everclear 40% ABV
  • 3 8 oz Mason Jars
  • 1/4 cup Grenadine
  • 1 cup Sprite
  • 1 tube Edible Pearl Dust


  1. Unwrap the Cherry Jolly Ranchers and place into the Mason Jars.
  2. Fill the jars half way with the Everclear.
  3. Pour in 1/4 C of Grenadine.
  4. Top off with a little bit of Sprite.
  5. Let sit for 8-10 hours or until the Jolly Ranchers have fully dissolved.
  6. Add in 1/3 of the Edible Pearl Dust.
  7. Shake.
  8. Enjoy!

We hope you enjoy this high proof mix of Jolly Rancher deliciousness. In our opinion, there’s not a better way to have a legal moonshine experience without needing a lot of technical knowledge about distillation and fermentation.

In our opinion, Jolly Rancher Moonshine tastes much better with age! It was yummy at 2 weeks….but at 4 weeks it was heavenly! So be sure to make your moonshine a few weeks ahead of any big event or holiday for optimum flavor.

NOTE: Jolly Rancher Moonshine contains more alcohol than it tastes like so please exercise caution and moderation while consuming.